Wednesday 15 June 2016

Day 31

Murphy had been well behaved lately but today he struck with a vengeance!
It was raining when I left my campsite to drive to Mackay to do some shopping, visit a laundromat and have lunch with friends.

On the way the driver's side windscreen wiper blade started to do weird things and I hastily turned them off. I managed to get it back working and continued on. I decided to shop before doing the washing so I could get some $1 & $2 coins for the machines.  With a trolley full of shopping, I discovered my wallet was still with Yemmy so a dash to him to fetch it.

Time was getting on so I put all the shopping away and headed to lunch. It started raining hard and the wiper played up again. This time I couldn''t get it fixed so I continued on staring through the rain on the screen. That's when Murphy destroyed my GPS! It kept cycling screens and wouldn't stay on the route directions. Of course I know the way coming from Mt Pleasant but now I was coming the other way and TomTom had put me on an unknown route before going bonkers. So there I was, no wipers, pouring rain and lost!

By chance I spotted what I thought was the entrance to their Retirement Village and sighed with relief. 'Too soon', said Murphy chortling away. Nothing made sense so I rang Tony who said he'd come in his car and find me. Except I was in the wrong Village! Driving with my phone clutched in one hand I followed instruction to get to the right Village which was nearby. After a lovely lunch and by now dry conditions, I managed to refit the wiper blade properly and then followed Tony and Denyse to a shopping precinct with Supercheap Autos, The Good Guys, etc and bought a new GPS!

Back to the laundromat and did the washing and dried it before returning back to Smalleys Beach. First job after putting Yemmy on site was to brew some coffee and sit looking out to the grey waves rolling in and thinking how lucky I was that everything turned out alright in the end despite Murphy and his wicked plots.

It was quiet here tonight with Dee gone although I did have a nice chat with Dennis from Site 1 who came back and set up today.

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