Saturday 18 June 2016

Day 34

Even on a dull day the beach is lovely to look at!

A day of sunny periods and good charging while the sun shone.

Hardly any one in the camp today - Dennis and Robin on Site1 left early and the girl on Site 3 went soon after so for most of the day I was the only one this side of the toilets. I see some backpackers have propped on Site 1 for the night.

Did I say I have booked into Cape Palmerston caravan park from Friday onwards? I'm looking forward to catching up with friends John and Jane who will be there for two weeks starting tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to being on power for a while and not having to chase the sun although my loose panels do a good job. I'd be lost without them..

My appetite has gone! I've got a fridge full of food but no desire to eat any of it. I've eaten the legs and thighs plus the wings off a cooked chook I bought on Wednesday, but so far haven't been inspired to make soup/casserole/curry from the rest of it. I did cook some pork fillets on the barby this morning and ate one small one for early lunch. I'll probably have the rest for dinner tonight.

Even the goanna stayed away today - perhaps he didn't like me putting my foot on his tail!

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